Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmastime is near..la la la

I grew up Christian (I am a p.k[preacher's kid]) but now would consider myself only agnostic. I don't like most organized religions and wish I could teach the sheep to think independently, maybe then Bush wouldn't have been elected. Well now I am getting off track.
I have always loved Christmas, and not because of the presents. I get a feeling of love an joy being in front of a fire with the beautiful tree and my family. Ok, and maybe some presents also ;)
So here's wishing everyone a great Holiday and a beautiful New Year!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


You know what I always do at work, but hate. I will look at the clock and it is 2:18, so I round up and say, Yes, only one more hour. So then in ten minutes when it is still only 2:28, there will still be one more hour and I will have jipped myself. I am starting to despise work. Monotony is killing my soul. Wait, that was a tad dramatic; Monotony is making me hate my life. Better, I think.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Like a Virgin

Hmmm, will this color even show up well? Well I have been on myspace for about a year now and I thought it was time to actually try this. So here we go......