Monday, June 23, 2008

Book weakness

Some have a weakness for shoes or clothes; I have a weakness for books. I have been watching way less T.V. and have been reading two or three books a week. I just finished The Other Boleyn Girl and it was so, so good. Half way through I had to stop and read up on the actual history of Henry the VIII and the Boleyn sisters because I really had little knowledge about that history. I had a vague rememberence that Anne Boleyn had been queen, but I didn't know that she had been beheaded or that she was the mother of Elizabeth I.

Last week I tried to read Atonement but I did not like the style it was written in. I'm not ashamed to say, I like to read things that are easy to read. When an author uses old english or whatever, I just cannot get into it. I am also not ashamed to say, I have really gotten into vampire romance books. They are so entertaining and so easy to read, that I can get through one a day usually. My future sister in law got me into the Argeneau series by Lynsay Sands and I went to Bookmans looking for a few more. I had to ask someone where they were, because they have horror, romance, and fiction in them. The girl asked me, "Have you checked in the Paranormal Romance section?", I hesitated, "No...." so she walked me over there and I felt like a light had shined down from the heavens to show me my future. I cannot believe they have a whole section devoted to the awesomeness that is paranormal fiction. And don't even get me started on Laurell K. Hamilton books. They are so hot.

The weird thing is, I really don't like regular romance novels, they are to tame for me and not interesting; but add in a vampire or werewolf and I am so there.

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