Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The day has come...

Nope, no baby yet; but as of eight minutes ago, it is now officially my due date. My mother-in-law is in town to visit Brad's grandma in the hospital. Unfortunately they have to leave tomorrow. That totally sucks because it means they most likely won't be able to see the baby (unless I go into labor and have the baby by tomorrow midday, probably not going to happen).

I know I should be appreciating all this free time in which I have been reading, watching Friends, playing games online, etc. but I really just can't wait to meet her. It is the craziest feeling knowing that at any time, most likely within the next week, my life is going to change forever. There really is no way to prepare for it; right now my life is the same as it has been, and then all at once, it won't ever be the same again.

I will update as soon as I can after her birth.....

1 comment:

Lucinda said...

No baby yet? It is a crazy waiting game at the end. We tried everything we could to get the labor going, like I remember walking around the neighborhood with Ryan at 2am and going to my bro-in-law's to jump on their trampoline. I finally realized the baby would come when she's ready! Maybe I'll see you tomorrow after all!